Cut on the bias has moved. Please change your bookmarks, links, etc., to this:
And thanks for stopping by.
keeping an eye on the spins and weirdness of media, crime and everyday life
I'VE BEEN DISCOVERED: I just got this email from Fred First:
NOTE TO SELF: Do not depend on driving directions from two passengers who do not drive, speak with strong Caribbean accents and tend to get excitable in New Jersey traffic. In this way lies madness.
ANOTHER "NICE GUY" KILLS BECAUSE OF BULLYING: Providence, RI, newspaper production worker Carlos Pacheco killed two coworkers and then himself yesterday; his family claims he was endlessly "chided" and "taunted", and co-workers claim the management of the company causes such stress that not only did it cause Pacheco to kill three people including himself, but also caused another employee to commit suicide three years ago.
IN THE "EXAMPLES OF WHAT WE SHOULD BE" DEPARTMENT, I give you the French, those perennial critics of America:
I'LL HAVE THOSE POTATOES FRIED, PLEASE: Jacob Sullum at Reason Online comments with appropriate disgust and amazement on the current efforts to chase after obesity in this country with the same lawyers who went after Big Tobacco. Summarizing his amused horror will not do the piece justice, so I won't. I do want to comment on this:
YOURISH TRULY: A bloggish milestone - I spent a lovely afternoon and early evening with Meryl Yourish in marginally-suburban New Jersey, the first time I've met a fellow blogger. If it weren't for the fact that she beat me to the only copy of Shirley Jackson's Raising Demons in the used book store, I would call it an unmitigated pleasure. She's as articulate and straightforward in person as she is in her blog, and in between the shop crawl and the chocolate sundaes, we did our very best to solve the world's problems.
ARE WE SURPRISED? Chas Rich at Sardonic Views identifies the credulous use of a press release from an environmentalist group by CNN, and notes that other groups wouldn't get such an easy pass into their news cycle. Link via the Prof, who thinks it's not unusual. I concur, and point out that this is another way that media bias manifests itself.
IF YOU HAVEN'T READ IT YET, make the time for Will Warren's latest Unremitting Verse.
BUSTED: Tony Woodlief nails people who insist on all lower case for their names or use only one name:
TANGLED DEFINITIONS: This week an Ohio man was given two life sentences for beating to death his wife, who was five months pregnant at the time. One of the sentences was for his wife, the other for their unborn child. Yet the unborn child would have been about 20 weeks along, which is in terms of viability a gray area for doctors:
ALL YOU NEED IS PAUL? Victorino Matus at The Weekly Standard reveals himself to be a Beatles purist. Kind of. Well, mostly.
EMBLEMATIC WORDS: Stephen Hayes at The Weekly Standard says what I think about Triple Crown contender War Emblem and his Saudi owner.
THE BIRMINGHAM NEWS PROTECTS ITS READERS - I'm not saying I agree (or disagree) with their choice, but interesting that they made it in this day and age.
NOTHING BUT THUGS: Martin Burnham is dead after a year in captivity with the Abu Sayyaf, a terrorist group in the Philippines showing their thuggish ways. Filipino nurse Ediborah Yap, also a captive, died in the apparent effort to rescue the hostages. Gracia Burnham was shot while escaping, but remains alive.
SO YOU THINK YOU'RE COOL? Meryl Yourish has advice for bloggish web design.
DIARY OF A FRIENDSHIP: The Saturday Ramble is up.
GOTTA LOVE A GOOD SEGUE: Media Minded comes through again with a nice evisceration of an email from the writer of an article MM dismembered previously, whom I suspect of masochism (the writer, not MM) given the fact that he came back for more abuse. The issue is Drudge's reporting of David Brock's mental collapse while writing his sad little screed last year, but the pleasure in the piece is MM's sure-footed trouncing. And the last sentence is a masterful (albeit likely unintentional) segue into his next post, about the brouhaha over swearing in newsrooms. Reading this one will give you a good idea as to why liberal media bias is so pervasive AND so difficult to get your average journalist to see. After all, the next cubicle is also plastered with Greenpeace bumper stickers, isn't it?
KRUGMAN AND ELVIS: Tom Maguire has the details over at The Minute Man.
WHAT, PRAY TELL, IS SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE? Newton's Kumquat (NK henceforth) is pretty annoyed:
SICK OF TELEMARKETERS? Here's a good script to follow in getting rid of them for a long long time, based on the provisions of the 1991 Telephone Consumers Protection Act.
INCOMPETENCE PROMOTED: I can't believe Bush wants to make Homeland Security a cabinet position. The concept of Tom Ridge, and whomever succeeds him, needing more authority to accomplish the job is a logical one. But we've not seen anything out of Ridge's HS to give us confidence that this isn't just another layer of bureaucracy. The problem, as I see it, is that there is no way in the current system to give sufficient authority to do the job. That would be one director - Tom Ridge - with the ability to make heads roll, to streamline functions and to bring all the agencies into some kind of centralized intelligence flow where each has its own area of expertise but where some unit answerable only to Ridge has access to all the information and can do macro analysis across agencies.
WE'RE SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE, but the brains behind this site will be down today for maintenance and possible retooling, as an upgrade seems beyond the hope of the staff and the capabilities of the brain. We recommend the following alternative sources of enlightenment:
BUT DOES SHE CLEAN UP WELL? Dan at Happy Fun Pundit thinks the US should seriously consider Mark Steyn's suggestion that we annex Alberta, that bastion of oil. However, the deal comes with strings. Well, dates. Or at least, an attempt to get dates.
DEBUNKING UPDATE: I mentioned below the Bush Is Awful list of "failures" from his first year; Ben has posted his second set of 10 debunkings, and I've received an email from David Sprintzen, to whom the list is often wrongly attributed, explaining the provenance. Summary: Someone sent it to him, he sent it to a bunch of people, the original author was on the original email but somewhere got lost in the forwarding.
THIS IS ONE OF THE FUNNIEST THINGS I've seen in quite a while, in a dark, dark kind of way. Maybe because I've been there, done that and been done to. Not for the married amongst us, unless you just have this nostalgia thing going about it. If you do, you're a bit sick, you know. And the site is old, so if you've seen it before, sorry. I am, as usual, late to the party, so move along with your recriminations and leave me to my wide-eyed wonder.
RESEARCH NOTE - MEDIA FRAMING: I've got a pile of research materials to read for my core area proposal (the to-be-rewritten one, if you remember), and since that's going to be a big part of my reading for a while you're going to have the pleasure of quotes from and comments on what I'm reading. I'm going to preface each with the "Research Note" heading, though, so you'll know to move along if your eyes glaze over at this kind of thing.
I WAS IN THE 2% - which isn't surprising. Take the test, see how you did, then go see what Den Beste had to say about it.
MORE EVOLUTION STUFF: Martin Devon and Max Power continue their exchange, with interesting results. Check it out. I'll be back in the fray likely this weekend.
FOR TODAY ONLY, while voting is going on, I'm posting an old photo of your blogger, which shows her girl-next-door charm and outdoorsy nature. We won't discuss how old the photo is, and no one is allowed to ask my dad the hunter/gatherer type just what he thinks of my outdoorsy claims (hint: he thinks enjoying videos of The Smoky Mountains doesn't count.)
INCREASE LEGAL SMOKING AGE TO 21? The Dodd at Ipse Dixit finds out that California has proposed it, and isn't very happy. Don't miss the comments section, where he and his readers (including me) debate the points. Is it a question of health vs. rights? Is fairness an issue? Worth some of your time.
TERRORIST SPEAKS AT LONDON UNIVERSITY - Theodore Dalrymple of City Journal reports:
WATCHING THE WATCHERS II - It's a good (bad?) week for nailing media inaccuracy and spin. Nat Hentoff of The Village Voice has an excellent takedown of media inaccuracies in coverage of slavery in the Sudan. Hentoff begins by establishing his bona fides to fact-check other journalists:
HINDSIGHT SPIN DETECTOR: Mark Levine dissects Cynthia Rowley's memo and unpacks his version of the FBI's pre-9/11 behavior, in NRO.
OH, THIS SHOULD BE FUN: Nicholas Kristof, the columnist everyone loves to hate, has visited a gun show and isn't very impressed:
EVEN INNOCENT PLEASURES TURN DARK - Because I like nifty interactive maps, I posted a link to a computer-generated, real-time tracking map of LAX's air traffic. Even though you can click on each plane to learn its altitude and a few other things, to my untrained eye it seemed like nothing more than a really cool online stop. Reader John Simutis keyed off it to make all sorts of connections, sent to me in the posted email below in its entirety except for a few modifications such as adding a word "here" for a link instead of giving the actual link in the text. The photo is from one of the links he provided, and I added links to the Strelas and Tasers. While I don't know enough about the topic to evaluate his concerns, it sounds likely enough to make me itchy.
MORE ON PILOTS WITH GUNS: Alley Writer Yack says, don't do it.
NOT THAT BUSH DOESN'T DESERVE A GOOD SMACK: Below I hammered a supposed "media watch" editor and writer for her high moral anti-Bush tone alongside an apparently "lifted", certainly unoriginal and unattributed, list of Bush sins. While I think her lifted list is bunk, this article shows that Bush has plenty of sins to repent for without the left going gaga searching for them.
IN HIS OWN INIMITABLE BLUESY FASHION, Dodd at Ipse Dixit introduces his new design today. I love the logo. Very cool.
IN FINE NEW GEARS, but with sand still in his craw, Tony Woodlief unveils his inspired, updated blog design. Check it out - as fine as the new design is, the content is better still.
WHO WATCHES THE WATCHERS? Ben "Yin" Thornton is debunking, point by point, a list which has been going around since last summer that purportedly lists many "accomplishments" of G W Bush's presidency, all of them considered negative by those who do not like his presidency. I'm sure some other bloggers dealt with it before, as it's been around a while and was also prominent in Michael Moore's book, Stupid White Men. It's attributed to Dr. David Sprintzen, but according to Spinsanity's article on Moore's book, Sprintzen is not the author. (I called Sprintzen at his office to find out whether he is indeed the author, or if not if he knows who is. There was no answer, so I emailed him at his university office at the C.W. Post campus of Long Island University. I'll let you know if he writes back.)
OH, YEAH, THIS MAKES ME HAPPY. What's next, SCUD missiles on
I'VE BEEN TRYING TO POST this morning, but Blogger is being difficult and I have to leave for work. Will post later as I can.
MAKING THE CUT: Thanks to CG Hill, I've been included on a rather...interesting list. Competitive as I am, my instinct is to campaign, but I think I'll adopt the cool, aloof mode, the "you wish you knew" attitude. I have my advocates, and could possibly post testimonials, but why take away all the mystery?
MUSIC IS A PHYSICAL THING, sometimes, the best times, when you hear it. The instruments weave their chords through your mind, your heart expands to hold it until it seems your chest can't contain it. Most of my favorite music also include vocals, and close harmonies rising through instrumentals or ringing clearly through an a cappella void often move me to tears even when the song is not meant that way. The beauty hurts, and I resent that I can't somehow dissolve into the music and become a part of it. I imagine ballet as the closest human thing to physical music, but still the dancers are tethered by their bodies. In the right mood, with the lights off and the music turned up high, it almost happens. Almost. Never completely.
FISHY, YET TOOTHSOME AND GOOD FOR YOU: Stefan Sharkansky, he of the Lake Tahoe trip from... well... Alaska, maybe, and other interesting and funny essays, has stepped into the blogging arena with his new Shark Blog. Welcome and have fun, Stefan! And we don't mind if you talk about your kids sometimes.
IN MY HOMETOWN - The NY Times yet again visits where I grew up:
AND THE BEAT GOES ON: Max Power says Martin Devon is wrong in his essay about evolution. Actually, he says I'm wrong too, but he starts with Martin and moves on to me. As a bonus, hang around and look at Max's discussion of the theory of gravity.
CAN YOU RESIST A BOOKSLUT? I can't. I just spent 30 min reading this really cool blog. Check it out.
WHAT HE SAID. And take their money away too.
JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT IT WAS SAFE, here’s another entry in the evolution discussion. Actually, it was written way before today's exchange, and is a lovely essay that basically concludes that there's a lot we just don't know, and that's okay to say. It's by my favorite Patio Pundit, which probably was all that needed saying anyway. And I agree with a lot of what he says. Meanwhile, if you have no idea what I'm talking about, start here, go here and finish up back here (don't read the update until you've read the 'go here' post). Take time to read the comments in all those places, because they add much to the discussion.
SINCE I CAN'T SLEEP ANYWAY, I'll have to go see Insomnia. Dodd at Ipse Dixit, no easy prey for the Hollywood crowd, was very impressed. Josh Claybourn, while less lengthy in his praise, nonetheless gave it a solid thumbs up. I read the book, but it's been a while, so I should still find the plot development entertaining. It remains to be seen if it's worth giving up my parking space for (something those of you who have to park on the street, in a crowded neighborhood, will understand).
STOP, OR I'LL... um... well... figure out something. Since my guns aren't loaded.
TELEMARKETERS - THE NEXT GENERATION: BBC is taking hits for recording a television program on British viewers' TiVos without permission, as an advertising ploy. And they should. That's kind of spooky.
CLANCY SHMANCY: Charles Murtaugh is disgusted with Tom Clancy, and with the bloggish insistence that Hollywood PC'ed The Sum of All Fears. Murtaugh says Clancy pc'd himself long before Hollywood got the chance.
OLIVER STONE, CALL YOUR OFFICE. Kevin McGehee of Flyover Blogdom Today unpacks recent conspiracy theories and holds them up to the light.
EXCELLENT ARTICLE ON BLOGGING by Catherine Seipp. Go read it.
COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS: Katie Allison Granju at Loco Parentis posts a touching essay on the illnesses of her son.
ANTI-SEMITISM ON THE RISE IN RUSSIA. Apparently it never lost its solid base.
TALIBAN BARBIE - BITING SOCIAL COMMENTARY? JunkYardBlogger Bryan Preston bites back.
PLAGIARISM IS JUST SO TAXING - Doris Kearns Goodwin has resigned from the Pulitzer Prize board:
ORGANIC DISSEMBLING? Terrence in Vancouver sends a link to this refutation of an article in the L.A. Times (registration required) about organic farming, wherein the reporter apparently picked through her source material to present a less than accurate picture. The refuting article is by one of her sources, Alex Avery, who works with the Center for Global Food Issues, a divison of the Hudson Institute. A check of the Hudson Institute site reveals that Michael Fumento is also affiliated with it, so I tend to give Avery credence in this discussion.
BIAS SLAPDOWN: Alley Writer holds nothing back in expressing an opinion about political correctness in the classrooms of Texas.
A CLARIFICATION: If anyone should meander onto my page as a result of the Instalanche on Transterrestrial Musings, from the Professor linking Rand's response to my email, I would like to make a clarification of the good Professor's comment: